In the quaint town of Greyton, Western Cape, a unique narrative unfolds in the rea ...
“Always a leap ahead”: Meet our award-winning iAgent Chris Steytler
In a graceful twist of fate, Chris Steytler, an ex-ballet dancer, pirouetted from ...
Meet one of our iAgents: Letitia Willemse
We’ve sat down with our iAgents to showcase their talents and give you an idea of what it means ...
Everything you need to be a powerhouse agent
As a real estate agent, you know how important it is to work efficiently and stay on top of your ...
Making a Lasting First Impression: Tips for Real Estate Agents in 2023
As a real estate agent, building strong relationships with clients is the key to success. And the fo ...
How to future-proof your career as an estate agent
Many industries expect an uncertain future, and you might be wondering if real estate agents will st ...
The Key to Real Estate Success: A Strong Personal Brand
Building a career in real estate can have many perks including flexible working hours, a high earnin ...
Calling all property practitioners: Why the iAgent model works
Today more than ever is it important to come up with innovative ideas to get more done in less tim ...
Your social media guide to become a top real estate agent
Your social media guide to become a top real estate agent Since the lockdown began, more and mo ...
The real estate agent chronicles: Learning to adapt to the change
The real estate agent chronicles: Learning to adapt to the change They say the only constant i ...